Coaching Support

Tools for moving individuals and teams from stuck and stumped to energized and empowered.

Perhaps your team’s energy is plateauing, and your project needs some invigorating. Perhaps a team member needs support in transitioning into a new leadership role. Perhaps a dysfunctional team dynamic needs attention.

Sometimes we need to slow down and reflect before we can problem-solve, make informed decisions, and grow our leadership skills. Coaching support is a great way to breathe fresh life into any ongoing program or project through deep, meaningful reflective practice and capacity building.

Service Features

Individualized team and one-on-one support

Understand team/individual challenges and corresponding needs

Understand opportunities for developing relevant skills, getting unstuck, and generating forward momentum

Design plan for implementing lessons learned and critical learning takeaways into collaborative effort

Memorialize lessons learned and critical learning takeaways into living document (e.g., team charter)

Check in on team/individual progress and goal alignment